Millenium Trilogy Wiki

Kate.moon Kate.moon 20 February 2012

Oscar Poll- Noomi Rapace vs. Rooney Mara

Rooney Mara is the dark horse in her nomination for Best Actress in this year's Oscars, but did she deliver a better performance than her Swedish counterpart, Noomi Rapace?

To show your support for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, vote in our Oscar poll!

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Kate.moon Kate.moon 25 October 2011

Viral Girl with a Dragon Tattoo Poster

Guess what's going viral? Girl with a Dragon Tattoo! has some amazing shots of the upcoming movie, including new teasers and artistic poster. Although Sony hasn't officially licensed the shots, they look too staged and well-lit to be simply bootlegged.

Check them out and decide for yourself! Is Girl with a Dragon Tattoo the holiday movie of your choice?

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Soldierscuzzy Soldierscuzzy 11 October 2011

Millennium Trilogy Graphic Novels in the Works

As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, The Millennium Trilogy will be released as graphic novels. DC Entertainment's Vertigo label is going to be publishing the three graphic novels, with the first one slated for a 2012 release. The other two books will come out at later dates, with The Girl Who Played with Fire set for a 2013 release, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest for 2014.

Stieg Larsson's brother Joakim has said that Stieg would be excited for the project because “Stieg always liked comics and it will be exciting to see the unforgettable characters he created come to life on the comics page.”

As of right now, no writers or artists have been announced. More information on the project can be found at The Hollywood Reporter, or by…

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Kate.moon Kate.moon 22 September 2011

New International Trailer

The new international trailer for the American adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was just released by the studio!

This new, longer trailer gives us better insight into Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander, Daniel Craig as Mikael Blomkvist and their unconventional partnership. If you didn't think Mara could pull off the darker Lisbeth character, watch the trailer below because she nails it!

The movie will open on December 21; are you excited? Think Mara can pull off Lisbeth?

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Wagnike2 Wagnike2 15 September 2011

The Muppets Get Dragon Tattoos

A general rule of thumb is that if you follow the math formula known as The Henson Equation (Muppets & Anything = Awesome), good things will happen. So it should come as no surprise that combining the Muppets with the trailer for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011 movie), would get you a completely awesome result. Below you can see the two different trailers and compare and contrast the two of them.

  • IGN
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Kate.moon Kate.moon 18 August 2011

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo New Images

Are you excited for the American remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? With Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara in the star roles as Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander respectively, we have very high expectations for the movie, set to air on December 21!

Hollywood Reporter has just released some new shots of the two stars so take a look and let us know how excited you are!

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Babyjabba Babyjabba 28 November 2010

Noomi Rapace IS Lisbeth Salander

The amazing Noomi Rapace went from a beautiful, feminine young actress to a rail thin, pierced hacker in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo! The day after landing the "role of a lifetime" she started a soul crushing regime of kickboxing, diets, and piercings.

“I started the very next day on a diet. No bread, pasta, potatoes, no candy and no alcohol. All protein and vegetables. It was pretty hard."

“I wanted to get rid of my female softness through Thai boxing and kick boxing. I wanted to be more like a boy in my body. Lisbeth’s athletic, she’s anorexic, but she can fight. She’s almost cartoonish, like a female action hero. I wanted to humanize her."

“I told Niels I wanted to fight in the fighting scenes, no stunt people. I wanted to wake up some …

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Joeyaa Joeyaa 28 November 2010

Excited for the movie

I'm pretty excited to check out the first movie when it debuts in the North American market. After the great success of the Swedish films, and with the compelling and edge-of-your-seat based plot, I anticipate I'll be one of the first few in the theatre watching the movie. Not to mention it really revolves around a neat, unique story.

I look forward to seeing how the movie compares to the film. I'm sure Mikael Blomkvist will sell it, and that Lisbeth Salander will add to the awesomeness of it all.

So, how do you think the upcoming film will compare?

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Xean Xean 28 November 2010

English movie versions

What do you think about this trend of taking movies and making the "American" versions of them? Is there a reason American audiences don't want to watch original movies? I know subtitles can scare some people off, but I really like seeing movies in their original language, I think sometimes the Hollywood versions can be overdone and can dilute some of the reasons the movie was great in the first place. Thoughts?

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